Behind the Bull

Hi! You found me. Yay.

My name is Lauren A. Burke and I've been fighting the Nonprofit Industrial Complex (NIC!) since I was a kid.

Granted, I didn’t always know that’s what I was doing—but I’ve always had a deep sensitivity to injustice, a fervent belief in our collective potential to do better, and an utter inability to live with hypocrisy.

After 15 years of working within and founding nonprofits of all kinds, I’ve learned that the best way I can create real change is outside the confines of funders, boards, and government agendas—where I can speak my truth without fear of repercussion. I’ve seen firsthand how organizations should run, and I’m committed to helping others get there. That means encouraging nonprofits to make “good trouble” when it’s needed and being real about what it takes to ethically lead social impact efforts in today’s world.

My three primary goals? To help rid the nonprofit sector of inefficiency, inequity, and injustice—and to do so in ways that care for the whole person on the frontlines (because burnout? That’s bullshit too).

I’ve also spent time as a professor and in residence at various institutions, where I’ve been able to shape future leaders of this field.

Check out more about what I’ve done below, and see if you trust me to get shit done with your organization. If you do, let’s tear it all down together and build badass, impactful nonprofits that actually bring change to this world.

In Community,


Where Have I Worked? (Resume Tidbits)

What Have I Written, Shared, or Experienced? (Press + Pubs)

Coming soon :) Snag a lifetime access spot so I have time to write this out! 😆

How Have I Been Recognized? (Awards and Recognitions)

Coming soon :) Snag a lifetime access spot so I have time to write this out! 😆